Pierids are rather conspicuous white, yellow, or orange butterflies, with around 1000 species worldwide. They primarily feed on plants in the legume and crucifer families, although some odd groups, like our Neophasia menapia, feed on conifers. Some Pierids, especially Colias sulphurs and Pieris whites, have taught us much about species recognition (based on ultraviolet reflectance patterns) and seasonally-induced polymorphism and phenotypic plasticity.
Becker's White Pontia beckerii |
California Dog-Face Zerene eurydice |
Checkered White Pontia protodice |
Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae |
Dainty Sulphur Nathalis iole |
East Slope Marble Euchloe hyantis lotta |
European Cabbage Butterfly, Imported Cabbageworm, Cabbage White Pieris rapae |
Gray Marble, Boisduval's Marble Anthocharis lanceolata |
Gray-Veined White Pieris napi |
Large Marble Euchloe ausonides |
Orange Sulphur, Alfalfa Butterfly Colias eurytheme |
Pine White Neophasia menapia |
Queen Alexandra's Sulphur Colias alexandra |
Sara Orange-Tip Anthocharis sara sara |
Small Marble Euchloe hyantis hyantis |
Small Marble Euchloe hyantis "foothill" |
Spring White, California White Pontia sisymbrii |
Stella Orange-Tip Anthocharis stella |
Thoosa Orange-Tip Anthocharis sara thoosa |
Western White Pontia occidentalis |
Yellow Sulphur Colias philodice (eriphyle) |